Wednesday 29 April 2009

Mr Unpopular?

Ok, so my latest post over at went down like a lead balloon.

It's left me feeling somewhat like Zach Braff in Garden State, my friends think I'm funny, cool, some might even think of me as "the man", it's just the rest of the world who think of me as a retard.

I'd love to say that these commentsare like water off a duck's back, but to be honest, I know I've done something horribly wrong when I'm getting people commenting that they "feel sorry" for me.

I'm going to be perfectly honest here, it looks like I mailed this in. I can honestly look at the article now and say that it looks like this took no time at all. This, unfortunately, is wrong.

As the article says, and the commentors duly leapt upon, I was in the midst of recovering from a concussion, and as such this article probably took longer to write than anything else I'd previously attempted.

What irks me though is the pettiness and general ridiculousness of the comments put forwards... "Some geek... no mention of Battlestar Galactica or Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles. Both of which are fantastic shows that have consistently and credibly built on what has gone before... This may sound rude but I think you need to go back to your drs and have you head checked out after that concussion." "Two and a Half Men, Big Bang Theory and more dated, lazy zings at Star Wars better than the much improved 2nd series of Inbetweeners?"" "Matthew Fox" isn't simultaneously a janitor and a doctor, nor did he do nothing when Ben was shot. His character, Jack Shepard, is playing those roles and making those decisions. I'm not trying to be picky, but I think the fact that you consistently confuse the two is very telling."


Where to start?

I get ribbed for starting to write about Lost so far into the series, and yet people want me to write about shows I haven't even seen? Yeah, I'm sure that'd be perfectly well received, I'm sorry-really, I am, but the Sarah Connor Chronicles isn't even on my fucking radar people! It may well be a fantastic show, and sewer rat may taste like pumpkin pie, but I'd never know 'cause I wouldn't eat the filthy motherfucker.

As for Two and a Half Men and Big Bang Theory over the Inbetweeners, um, YUP! It's called an opinion, and this is mine. With all due respect, everyone's entitled to their own opinion, and although I admit that for an Englishman I'm probably overly-fond of US television, I've simply not found the second series of the Inbetweeners NEARLY as funny as the first... end of.

As for the comments about Matthew Fox (Sigh), here we go again. Matthew Fox is fucking Calculon from Futurama....a robotic hack in what is essentially a soap who thinks he's a thespian.

The many faces of Matthew Fox never cease to amaze me. Seriously, how one person can be paid handsomely to flit between pulling the same, abject, 1000 yard stare and attempting to flit between 1000 expressions a minute is entirely beyond me. I'm not unable to differentiate between Matthew Fox and Jack Shephard, Matthew is real Jack is not. However, I don't like Matthew, and Matthew pretends to be Jack for a living, ergo, I usually call people by their REAL names, not by their make-believe ones... mmmkay?

I admitted openly that this article may not have been overly geeky, however, the editor liked it and threw it out there, seemingly to the lions. However, to accuse me of not being a "geek"? Jesus, get a grip dood!

I love comic books, sci-fi, 80's movies and kung-fu films. I also love Manchester United, NBA, NFL, WWE, Only Fools and Horses, Entourage and Two and a Half Men.

Without being rude, I choose not to limit myself to one thing and one thing only like some of these annoying fanboys who want to have a pop, and yet I manage to show the same kind of devotion to any of the things I love as they do for the one that they worship.

But do I choose to sit behind a desk anonymously ranting about it?


I'm man enough to put my own name to my opinions, always have been, always will be. Furthermore, I share my opinions with people, publicly, as opposed to sniping on message and comment boards...which is, quite frankly, cowardice.

That I'm able to write something engaging, witty and more than a sentence long tells me something about you... you're not worth the hassle, and if you REALLY knew all that you thought you did, you'd be writing on these sites as an author, not as warl0ck1, warl0ck 1.
